10 Brogan Rd
Medford, MA 02155
Welcome to EdgeworksSkating.com
Hockey Fundamentals PROGRAM.
(4 week session $ 140.00)
Sessions TBD

(All skaters must pre-register before 1st lesson)
Classes Held at the

Stoneham Arena
101 Montvale Ave, Stoneham, MA


Skaters Name: _____________________________________ Age: ____________________

Address: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________
City: _____________________________________________ Zip Code: _______________
e-mail address: _____________________________________________________________
Session: ______ Day: ______________________________ Time: ___________________
Level of Play (in-house/Travel - A B C): _____________________________________
The professionals, U.S.F.S.A., Stoneham Arena, and O'Brien Ice Rink shall have no legal liability for damages, injuries of losses suffered by skaters in the Edgeworks Skating Program. The skater and/or family holds the above organizations and individuals harmless from any and all liability of injuries, damages, or loss of property.

Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________
You may print this application, and mail it, along with your check made out to:
Edgeworks Skating
10 Brogan Rd
Medford MA 02155